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Elad's Plan to End Puppy Mills

Missouri is the puppy mill capital in America. Despite the fact that Missourians voted to ban abusive breeding practices, our state legislature, Governor, and Attorney General have ignored the will of the People. As Attorney General, I will:

1. Sue animal abusers. People open up shop in Missouri because they know they will face zero accountability. We need to put everyone on notice that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our state.

2. Develop a strong partnership between the Attorney General's Office, the state Department of Agriculture, local prosecutors, and the Federal Department of Agriculture. We need effective communication between all of the inspection agencies involved and local law enforcement to make sure no one falls through the cracks.

3. Seek immediate termination of puppy mills’ ability to advertise or sell pets. Just about every case the Attorney General takes to court should include a request for the judge to issue an injunction and prohibit the puppy mill from continuing to operate. We must make sure animal abusers know Missouri is no longer open for their business.

4. Issue emergency orders against fake rescues and other organizations enabling animal abuse. The Attorney General is charged with regulating nonprofit organizations. Unfortunately, some animal abusers use our nonprofit laws to open fake rescues and exploit our tax benefits. As Attorney General, I will use my authority to shut down these scam nonprofits.

5. Create a holistic effort to investigate abuse and neglect. Active animal abuse is a major problem in Missouri. So is neglect. Oftentimes, animals are hoarded, and, even after removal, hoarders often start hoarding again. The same is true for abusers, who may create multiple corporations to stay in business even after being prosecuted. We need improved reporting and monitoring services to stop the cycle of abuse and neglect.

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